Parents are encouraged to volunteer at ABVM School throughout the year. It is a great way to meet other parents and become involved.
Some ways you can help include the following opportunities:
Homeroom Parents
Each classroom has a homeroom parent who assists the classroom teacher throughout the year in a variety of ways.
Lunch Duty Parents
Lunch duty parents help during both lunchtime and recess. These parents monitor lunch and recess activities.
A Night Under the Stars
A Night Under the Stars is ABVM School’s biggest fundraiser of the year. It takes many volunteers to make this event successful. Volunteers are needed for the planning committee, silent auction, food preparation, and servers, ticket and sponsorship sales.
Classroom Helpers
Teachers appreciate volunteers to help in the classroom with activities such as reading or math reviews with students, photocopying classwork, or assistance with special classroom projects.
Home & School Board Sponsored Activities Volunteers
Our Home & School Board organizes and coordinates many events such as Catholic Schools Week Student BINGO, Thanksgiving Feast, Father-Daughter Dance, Mother-Son Outing, Teacher Appreciation Luncheon, and Field Day. Volunteers are needed for these events to run smoothly.
Field Trip Chaperones
Each class attends at least one field trip during the school year. Each grade requires a certain amount of chaperones per trip.
Fundraiser Coordinators and Assistants
ABVM receives money from a variety of fundraising programs. Volunteers are needed to coordinate and assist in these efforts.
It is important to note that all volunteers MUST have their clearances before volunteering.
E-mail your clearances to [email protected]